Beyond Logos tag

by | Jul 15, 2023

The Greeks knew what they were doing when they coined the term ‘logos’. In a way, it’s like they were predicting the future. They understood that words have power, logos means ‘word’ or ‘reason’, It is no accident that the modern world adopted the term aas the visual representation of a brand. which  became associated with a primary component of branding what makes a brand work.

So really, the Greeks were onto something when they chose the term logos.We can thank them for inventing the concept of branding before it was even a thing.


Logos has become so much more than just a word, however. It’s a symbol for a company, an idea, or a product. It is an expression of values and beliefs. It speaks to consumers and can make or break a business.

It’s kind of funny to think that they were so far ahead of their time. They had a deep understanding of how people interact with brands and how to create a memorable brand identity. So, the next time you think about logos, remember it’s more than just a word- it’s the foundation of a successful brand.

The ancient Greeks were way ahead of their time when it came to branding. Before ‘branding’ was even a thing, they had already identified logos as the fundamental building block of any commercial identity.

Logos, from the Greek word logos meaning “word”, is the visual representation of a brand.

Pathos, from the Greek word meaning “emotion”, is the emotional message behind a brand.

Ethos, from the Greek word meaning “character”, is the reputation and values of a brand.

And finally, kairos, from the Greek word meaning “timing”, is the strategic time and context in which a brand communicates.

Incorporating these elements into your business visuals and strategies will create an effective and impactful presence for your brand in the market. It’s time to go beyond the logo and explore the power of branding.




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