The powerpoint orientation page is already built and linked

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ASC page In the beginning, there is a gathering of existing and desired assets. A collection of ideas, images, colours, examples, icons … It may include an existing logo, photos, colour schemes.
For some it looks like a collage or storyboard or vision board. An assessment of what works. A judgment about quality and appropriateness.

The second initial gathering stage also includes the less tangible elements like mission or values or guiding principles. Goals. Company culture.and the ultimate – what are your clients expectations and how will you meet or exceed them.

In most cases, a rebrand and a logo redux help to facilitate the  transition without alienating exisitng clients . maintain enough similarities. This is not compulsory, but in many cases most businesses and clients respond better to some familiarity. Complete trashing of past identity is an option but it is usually only necessary when your business, product or target audience takes a complete turn.

In this case, colour scheme was strongly established.
Orange and black
Harley Davidson and the owners interest in motor cycles.

Also, these colours are easily associated with safety. Caution. and ?? in the minds of many.

The logo. having been adopted decades ago takes on the familiar stacked layout typical of the time and skill and knowledge of home designers. In most cases, it served well for a time, in a small town. it was not uncommon, small local audience and no doubt brought pride to the original creators.All good and most definitely effective for the  the time the place and the business.

But, times have changed. Business matures over time. Priorities, experience and ambitions and expectations and competition change. AND, we all begin to show our age.

How to update an outdated logo without destroying recognition and aid in the ease of transition. Let’s face it, re-brands can be expensive. Business cards, letterhead, vehicle wraps signs … oh my.

When small changes are incorporated over time, the identification will be strengthened and at a reasonable pace and price. It seems the most practical approach.

An understanding of the process is required and a buy-in necessary for all parties. New cards use new brand guidelines. New vehicles get new wraps. ads and social media begin to introduce new assets.

By keeping one or two elements already strongly associated with your company you can maintain recognition yet introduce new modern approaches.

ASC had a strong visual association already.


We might as well make some Almighty mountains today as well, what the heck. Let’s have a happy little tree in here. See there how easy that is. Nothing’s gonna make your husband or wife madder than coming home and having a snow-covered dinner.

You don’t have to spend all your time thinking about what you’re doing, you just let it happen. We can always carry this a step further. There’s really no end to this. I’m going to mix up a little color. we’ll use Van Dyke Brown, Permanent Red, and a little bit of Prussian Blue. There we go. You create the dream – then you bring it into your world.


Portfolio • Brand Your Space •

Don’t panic.

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