almost entirely normal

a bit about me

I am face blind

Sometimes, I do not recognize people, unless I know them well or associate them with a particular place.

If you are my bank teller and you greet me in the post office, I may not recognize you.

This photo looks a bit like I did, a few years ago. I think.

Oh, and I’ve been known to call people the wrong name.

Prosopagnosia, the term comes from the Greek words for “face” and “lack of knowledge.”

Some people may only have difficulty recognizing a familiar face; others will be unable to discriminate between unknown faces, while still others may not even be able to distinguish a face as being different from an object. Some people with the disorder are unable to recognize their own face.

Prosopagnosia is not necessarily related to memory dysfunction, impaired vision, or learning disabilities. It does run in families, and there’s no “cure.”

Face blindness is surprisingly common; mild cases adapt.


I often work into the wee hours of the night; going to bed when others are considering getting up.

When determined to solve a complexity, or learn something new, I will work until I do.


“Chronotypes are a bit malleable, so we can shift our preferred times of day around a little by keeping a daily routine of sleeping and waking times. “

edit: I do not. I can sleep anytime, anywhere as necessary.

Despite what the neighbours say

I have only one cat, Benjamin. He’s orange.  He’s a rescue. He’s neutered.

He’s been obstructing my monitors, crushing my keyboard, and furiously batting my mouse, mice, meeces for about twelve years.

Over the years, I have spayed or neutered, adopted or found homes for 43 cats.

Now retired from the business of rescuing, it never ceases to affect me.

I remember.

Alison, Alistar Picazo, Austin Purrs, Yasmine, Darius, Andy Lion, Vincent Van GoGogh, Bianca, Smokey, Mathew, Thomas, Tompson Hunter, Sally, Mama, Karina, Sybil, Jestor, Sarah and Sacha, Apollo, Morgan, Heather, Lou, Junior, Pica, Emma, Whitney …


Full disclosure

I have a family of feral cats living in my yard. It’s my own fault, I feed them.

Their name is George.


See! Retiring from my spay and neuter campaign may not be in the stars.

However,  I am running out of names.

I did my first Spay and Neuter campaign in 1998 for cable television.

I am older than the internet

I installed my first copy of Photoshop in 1996 on a black, very stylish (because that’s what’s important in a computer) Compaq Pesario desktop.

The Web Design Museum

PhotoShop 4.0

Which reminds me, I LOVE museums and art galleries.

What’s changed since then?

Nothing and everything.

Since that first venture into Photoshop, almost 30 years ago, the software, and I, have both changed and matured.

I am entirely self-taught and still learning, everyday. Every project is new and inspires the promise of that first project.

Anything my heart desires

Which reminds me, I LOVE museums and art galleries.

Forewarned is Forearmed

I don’t read minds, but …

In my previous life, yep, before the internet as we now know it, I was a Psychiatric Nurse.

People fascinate me. Our motivations, struggles, experience, perceptions and insights, or lack, that propel, or stall our development, individually and as species, are quite predictable. And, universal.

I used to tell people that Psych nursing and psychology were my life prerequisites.

Both still influence my work, and so they should. Websites, art, communication, and design are truly, at their core, about people.

And cats.